Affordable Housing – Meeting the Need
Lack of quality affordable housing is a leading cause of homelessness. Rescue Mission staff help place hundreds of individuals into permanent homes in the community every year. The Rescue Mission also offers its own affordable permanent housing options in response to the great need in Syracuse, Auburn, and Binghamton.

The Rescue Mission offers several permanent housing options for men and women in Syracuse:
Situated above our administration offices is Gifford Place, an entry point to independence for formerly homeless men. Gifford Place houses 28 single room apartments with shared common living spaces. Each resident is also paired with a case manager to guide them in independent living and to assist them with their goals.
Our Crossroads Adult Home provides long-term, supportive residential care to 59 men. The facility is licensed by the New York State Department of Health.
Outside of our Gifford Street campus, the Rescue Mission provides supportive housing opportunities to 11 additional men and women in renovated homes and tiny homes in Syracuse.
The Auburn Rescue Mission operates a 28-unit housing complex on Merriman Circle that serves families at risk of or experiencing homelessness. The Auburn Rescue Mission also has its own community center and playground. Residents have access to on-site case management and supportive services.

The Binghamton Rescue Mission is home to 32 formerly homeless men in a combination of dormitory and single-room apartment housing. The Binghamton Rescue Mission also owns a nearby property to house additional men, and is working on renovating a second home to assist formerly homeless women.
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