Leave a Legacy

A Lamp in the Window

Since our doors opened in 1887, thousands of individuals of every background credit their days at the Rescue Mission with saving their lives.

And when the Rescue Mission faced possible closure in the 1920, an editorial in the Post-Standard urged its continuation, calling the Rescue Mission a “lamp in the window of hospitality and comfort for the discouraged and disconsolate…”

We remained open – our doors have never closed. And if you drive down Gifford Street – you’ll see a lamp in a second floor window – a reminder that the Rescue Mission will always serve as a beacon of light for generations to come.

With a planned gift or a legacy to the Rescue Mission, you join a very special group of supporters who want to make sure the life changing programs of the Rescue Mission are always here for our community. But most of all – your goodwill and generosity ensures that our lamp will always burn bright.

Give Today

  • Become a Love in Action Partner with a recurring, monthly gift. Love in Action Partners are the heart of the Rescue Mission’s supporters, dedicated to making sure the Rescue Mission has the resources to provide impactful programming today.
  • IRA Charitable Rollover: If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can provide a tax-free gift to the Rescue Mission with a direct transfer of funds from your IRA.
  • Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) – A gift today of cash or securities provides the Rescue Mission with immediate resources, and provides you an immediate tax deduction, and a lifetime fixed income stream (after age 65 or later).
  • Donations of Stocks or Securities

Give Tomorrow

  • Will, Bequest, or Trust. One simple sentence in your will makes it easy to leave a lasting gift: ““I give to the Rescue Mission Alliance of Syracuse, NY, Tax ID#15-0532146, (all, $__ or __ percent of) the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”
  • Beneficiary: Add the Rescue Mission a beneficiary on your life insurance policy, Individual Retirement Account (IRA), employee sponsored retirement plan, or other asset. You can name the Rescue Mission as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary. The Rescue Mission’s Tax ID # is 15-0532146.



If you’re looking for more information about creating a lasting gift to the Rescue Mission now or in the future, please contact Danielle Leahy, Chief Development Officer via email at danielle.leahy@rmsyr.org